Our Chocolates are of the highest quality and made only of "the finest ingredients, including our own very special formula chocolate."  In regards to the quality of the candy, we are confident that it will either equal or surpass any candy selling in its price field.  To prove this statement, we have always sold it on customer satisfaction or money back basis.  

Now there are many ways to raise money for your organization, but when selling our chocolate, please take these facts into consideration.  

•We have a high-grade product with a fine reputation to offer your customers.  When they purchase Clark Candies, Inc. from your group, they consider it a useful and necessary item that they need for Christmas and Easter.  Actually, you have saved them a trip to the store by bringing our candy shop to your customer.
•We have the widest selection available on our Christmas and Easter form, with over 100 items from which to choose.  We pride ourselves in the fact that we have an item for everyone.  We make available a choice in package sizes; thus, there is no need for your customer to buy more than they need.
•You derive a fair profit when you receive up to 35% of total sales.  When computing your group’s possible profit, do not under-estimate the amount of sales that can be made during the Holiday Seasons.
•You invest absolutely no money, which would drain your organization’s treasury.  We supply all the necessary forms, master order sheets, and full color brochures. 
•You are not required to buy in case lots and therefore, do not have left over product to cut into your profits. All the candy is pre-sold.  There is no guessing about how much candy you will sell. 
•We cooperate fully and work very closely with you on deliveries, packing requirements and special orders.  We will return the filled orders in individual packages marked with the individual salesperson’s name and number of boxes shown clearly on the outside of the box to further lessen your work load. 

We sincerely believe each group or organization using Clark Candies, Inc. Fundraising can do well and raise a great deal of money to finance its projects.  The organization will do especially well if the project is continued on an annual basis where your customers will look forward to buying their Christmas and/or Easter candy from your organization. 

How to get started, Just click the below link and fill out our Fundraising form.  We look forward to working with you and having a successful fundraising experience.

Click Here if you are interested in more Fundraising Information! 
Clark Candies, Inc. Holiday Fundraisers

Call us at 724-226-0866 or email tina@clarkcandies.com for a Brochure.